Artee is a once in a life time dog for me. Her personality is much like mine - fun loving and full of energy. At an early age she showed great promise with a staunch point and good tracking abilities like her mother. She scored 79 on the German VJP test which was the third highest (at the time) in the history of the JGV in North America. She continued on with high testing scores in the NAVHDA testing system culminating with her maximum score at the NAVHDA Invitational.
Even more importantly she has proven to be an excellent hunting dog, able to locate, point and retrieve ruffed grouse, woodcock, pheasant and sharptail grouse and we recently add wild chukar. An enthusiastic waterfowl dog, she is patient in the blind and strong enough to retrieve a goose. Artee's superior nose is able to track rabbits and recover wounded/running birds. She is very loyal but given the chance will also hunt for others. She has been a joy to handle and hunt behind and cuddle on the couch with.